SEKEM and Luxor

Evaluation of a journey to SEKEM and to Luxor

Posted on 02 March 2018, by Bernard Steiner

This is what a traveller can expect, if he visits SEKEM and Luxor by SEKEM Reisen

My trip to SEKEM and Luxor in February 2018 has been a success. SEKEM: After having heard now and again from Ibrahim Abouleish's initiative it was very special to witness SEKEM itself while being there and to realize the overwhelming achievements having been created. In SEKEM economy and culture hold hands in a way that hopefully will be natural in future civilation.The devaluation of the Egyptian Pound of more than 50 % during the last year hinders the development of the wonderful SEKEM initiative, because SEKEM's debts have thus doubled. And still too many potential visitors fear to travel to Egypt, which will hopefully change soon! Our inspiring guides Rafik in SEKEM and Nihal in Cairo to the Pyramids and the Egyptian Museum were of outstanding quality!We were very lucky to meet Dr. Bruno Sandkühler in Luxor, giving as a lively introduction into the Ancient Egypt. He has just published his book "Der Atem Ägyptens" about Upper and Lower Egypt, which I read shortly before. In it he explains the duality of Horus and Seth by examining all the many aspects behind this "polarity". His introduction helped us to see many details, that we otherwise would have missed, especially in the vast temple o Karnak and in Luxor, namely in Theben looking at the tombs of the kings.We always were short of smaller notes in Egyptian Pounds and experienced that many of the ATM weren't functioning as they should. Next time I'd change the estimated amount I'd probably need in Egypt at the bank when buying the visa after landing in Cairo and later try to swap larger notes into smaller ones at petrol stations ...


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